'In My Head', is a modern- interpretive dance combined with spoken words. It is a visual depiction of thoughts battling thoughts of conflict with depression, anxiety and the belief in God's word that provides the strength needed when overwhelmed with the obligations of the world.
This piece is the creativity of isolated feelings interpreted through the comfort of expression (dance). It was created with the idea of using thoughts as the "musical" flow that interprets authentic feelings.
'In my Head' is used to embody the battle of flesh even as a believer. It is the connection between the strength of God's word as a shield that finds a way to reveal through our gifts. Each spoken word took the form of movement as a 'charge' for freedom is commanded. The weakness of flesh as a believer in this piece depicts an ongoing battle that manifests God's presence in the midst of it all.
Machel George - assistance with taping.
Dance School
Breath of Dance Theatre
The Lord is my Shepherd...I shall not want!
Our Father who Art in Heaven....Hallowed...be ..thy..name.
This is it! This is it! This is it! This..is only the beginning.
Your word. My will power
Your spirit of strength. My mustard seed.
The everlasting, YOU in me.
Freedom is coming (sing). Freedom is ah mind set thing.
Ah set of circumstances, responsibilities and compelled obligations.
From whence I came..so..shall i return.
Broken heartedly making my way through...The City of the Fruits of the Spirit.
Jesus! Your Kingdom come, come (x3)
Come down and save me, heal me, free me.
Spirit of insecurities, spirit of unfaithfulness, spirit of doubt.
Hidden depression.
Secret anxiety.
You are bound ; for the word of the Lord is active, it judges thoughts, and attitudes of the heart.
Heavy be the tongue that speaks without his guard (Bible).
A foot soldier for your redemption.
SHE is a warrior
God gave her warriors
She is THE fighter
Imperfectly manifesting her Trophy.
Trophy of inner peace: love that is no longer lonely, genuine companionship, family and friends that understand;
Trophies of ah...finally, This is it, you deserve it type of..
Grace is sufficient- God is in me, type of tropy.
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