
Joshua Jensen

Artist bio

I have a draw, sculpted and painted since I was a kid. I later received a bachelors in fine arts from UNCG along with another major in psychology. Went on to grad school for psychology at Gordon-conwell theological seminary and I am now a marriage and family therapist. My art has always been a passion and more recently a second career. Find that counseling and doing art balances out my emotional and spiritual needs in a way that I never would’ve seen coming. I’m grateful for a wife who is supportive to allow me the time to do both along with raising her three energetic boys.


“Has not overcome it“

Artist Statement

Mixed media on canvas with popular floating frame.

How it fits into contest

This piece was inspired by a dream I had a little more than a month ago. In the dream I saw dense cloud and darkness that was being pushed and pushing back against a white light source. I remember seeing the yellows oranges greens and grains in a very distinct way. A color palette that I don’t often use in my work.

When awoke, I heard in my mind John chapter 1 referring to the Genesis story. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

My family and I have gone through dark time in the last six months after losing our fourth som who was with us for only a few hours. Ive felt a struggle to trust God and to believe that he is involved and if fighting for us. Around the time of the dream, I felt a shift in trusting of him and my willingness to believe he is good, despite what we have gone through.

I believe the dream and the painting that followed ( which I tried to re-create as clearly as I could from what I remembered) is part of my process.

The word from John were spoken to me and/or from me. Speaking out and claiming the overcoming. This process is not over and I am even intrigued by how some versions use the phrase “has not understood it“ and to this day, I do not understand, but I feel that God is compelling me to overcome.


Josh Jensen- solo artist

How to Purchase this Artwork

Type of work: a unique original
Purchase price: $1800

Submit Your Artwork Today!

Curious? Interested in submitting artwork to our contest? Know someone who might be? Through April 14th, 2022, the Engage Art Contest is open to the whole world! Get your foot in the door by claiming your Artist Page now!