Want to Write for Engage Art?
Note: At this time, Engage Art is only accepting guest posts from members of the Engage Art Community or art & faith professionals. All guest posts are on a volunteer basis.
If you are interested in writing for us, please describe your connection to Engage Art, the arts more generally, or the Christian faith in a cover email to kate@engageart.org. Please also include a recent writing sample and a proposed topic or two.
Still interested? Keep reading for more information!
Engage Art welcomes guest posts by members of the Engage Art Community or art & faith professionals that offer diverse, relevant, and uplifting perspectives on art and faith.
The Engage Art blog publishes content-rich, yet accessible and engaging articles that:
1. Help people of all backgrounds Engage Culture, Engage Scripture, and Engage Art;
2. Help artists grow both personally and professionally; and
3. Help reintroduce artists and the church.