"Spartans" is an oil painting on canvas. The painting shows two spartans with spears on a carriage pulled by lions. These are two symbols of power: lions and spartans and together they form the ultimate protection which is the armour of God, our spiritual defense against the attacks of Satan. This symbol of power urges us people of America to unite no matter what race and gender we are part of, because only united we can fight the invisible enemy of social injustice. So many people have suffered in America based on racial , gender or sexual inequality but this has to stop. Only united can we fight racism of any type and bring a good change for our country. Like the fingers of a hand, if people stand alone they are weak, but if we act together, we become like a powerful fist, same as the carriage in the painting pulled by lions with spartan warriors. God's image is also present in the painting, in the form of a face on the warriors carriage. This painting encourages us to be fearless in any situation because we are protected by God and to wear our spiritual armor daily.
People living in America each day are not battling against flesh and blood ( even though in some situations they are physically beaten or even killed ), people are battling against the invisible enemy of the social injustice: racial inequality, gender inequality and discrimination based on sexual orientation. But if we listen to God which is the love in our hearts, we can all unite and stop this unseen war. Only the unseen power of love can change something but we have to choose that each day.The belt of truth is the first element of the armor of God. In the ancient world, a soldier's belt not only kept his armor in place but, if wide enough, protected his kidneys and other vital organs. Just so, the truth protects us.
The breastplate of righteousness guards our heart. A wound to the chest can be fatal. That's why ancient soldiers wore a breastplate covering their heart and lungs like the spartan in the oil painting.
Our heart is susceptible to the wickedness of this world, but our protection is the righteousness that comes from Jesus Christ.
"SPARTANS" original oil painting took almost one year to create.
The price is: $ 150,000 ( 150 thousand )
A more affordable option is a giclee on canvas:
- size 1 - $ 1,980
- 24 x 48 inch - $ 2,980
- size 3 - $ 3,980
For more info please contat me on email: alexsandulescu21@gmail.com
- Commission oil paintings
- buy already created Sandulescu oil paintings
- interior design services for residential or commercial projects
Inquire at:
- alexsandulescu21@gmail.com
- @alexsandulescudesign - instagram
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