Every night when the stars are out I find myself staring up at them. I'm always caught in a state of awe and wonder at these dark skies, their beauty, and mysteries. I always look to see if the stars are blanketing the black void whenever it is clear out. If they are not, I feel lost and lonely. I wanted to keep them close when they are not there, so I can look at them and fall into that wonder whenever I can. So, With careful research and planning, I had purchased an astrophotography camera, a Nikon D610 with a rokinon 14mm f/2.8 lens to make it happen. It is always scary to be alone in the dark, but also peaceful when I am outside photographing the trillions of tiny specks dancing above me, around the milkyway galaxy like a dream.
It is about the starry skies.
This photo was created by myself and myself only.
I can be reached on my instagram photography and facebook photography pages using DM and PM messenger.
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