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Seeking to unify worship, theology, and a modern painting practice.



Seeds of the Word


Action & Adventure

Artist Statement

Seeds of the Word—translated from the Greek spermatikos logos (σπερματικός λόγος)—is the title and subject of this short film which introduces viewers to the titular concept and the artist's own search for such "seeds" in various biblical and pre-Christian pagan wisdom literatures. Spanning seven sources (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, the Book of Wisdom, the Analects, the Tao Te Ching, and Euthydemus) and sharing forty findings (twelve of which are presented in the film), viewers are given to notice the remarkably Christian character of each excerpt, wholly in spite of the diversity of their origins.

The meaning of the film is thus: that true fortune is wisdom, all wisdom is from God, and God, by His grace and mercy, gives a measure of it to everyone, in every place and at all times, according to their capacity. The fullness of wisdom, however, is to be found in the Christian faith alone, by which all traditions can be measured. And ultimately, all wisdom leads to salvation and is embodied by the Savior, for "Christ is the power and the wisdom of God'' (2 Cor. 1:24) "who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:4).

All of this was understood by St. Justin Martyr, an early Christian apologist born in Rome around the time the Evangelist John wrote his Gospel (c. 100). A professional Hellenic philosopher, St. Justin was converted to Christ after encountering the simple faith of an old believer; this believer convinced him that the testimony of the prophets was superior to the reasoning of philosophers. Justin henceforth dedicated his life to the teaching of Christianity as the "true philosophy." But instead of rejecting everything he knew before, he Christianized it, professing before the Emperor of Rome and everyone with ears to hear the true philosophy and the very theme of this film: that the seeds of the Word—i.e. the Word of God, Jesus Christ—may be found both within and outside of the Christian tradition. (For this, the great saint was beheaded.) An excerpt from St. Justin's address to the Roman Senate, called Second Apology (c. 150), exposits this theme:

“Whatever things were rightly said among all men, are the property of us Christians… For all the writers were able to see realities darkly through the sowing of the implanted word that was in them. For the seed and imitation imparted according to capacity is one thing, and quite another is the thing itself, of which there is the participation and imitation according to the grace which is from Him.”

The following slide presents a picture of a large, pyramidal pile of fortune cookies; it is one of innumerable iterations of a famous artwork by Felix Gonzales-Torres called Untitled (Fortune Cookie Corner), 1990. It must be mentioned that this film is a "parody" of the Gonzales-Torres piece (for legal reasons), albeit in good faith, as it is also a "parody" of fortune cookies in general. This image is helpful for connecting the idea of fortune with wisdom and the trite and mundane with the essential and divine. While the pyramid presents a heavenward orientation, the triangular shape alludes to the trinity, and its enormous size (comprising approximately 10,000 cookies) symbolizes the ubiquity, universality, and unity of the seeds of the Word. As the Son of Man subverts our earthly expectations and literal understandings with heavenly realities and spiritual knowledge, so this film attempts to imitate the Savior by using "low art" as a vehicle for exalted truth.

Then the first of the "fortunes"—from Plato's dialogue Euthydemus—is presented to establish the theme of true fortune as wisdom.

When wisdom is present, he with whom it is present has no need of good fortune.

The remaining eleven alternate between biblical and pagan sources. To those of us who accept the Christian faith, biblical proverbs need no further justification, for St. Paul affirms their "God-breathed" nature (2 Tim. 3:16). But what about wisdom from non-biblical sources? If all wisdom is from God (Prov. 2:6), can we affirm that even some pagan sayings are God-breathed? When Lao Tzu teaches his followers to "Repay injury with kindness" (1:49), is this not the same as Christ's teaching his flock to "love your enemies" (Mt. 5:44)? When Confucius said, "All that the Master teaches amounts to nothing more than dutifulness tempered by understanding" (1:08), could he not have been speaking of the Good Shepherd Himself? Seeds of the Word invites viewers to think of all true wisdom in this way—as the firstfruits of the world's traditions—using the few examples that this film presents.

How it fits into contest

Winning the Spiritual Battle requires godly wisdom, not worldly wisdom. As an introduction to the concept of spermatikos logos, Seeds of the Word encourages viewers to discern between the two, knowing that, while the Holy Scriptures are a repository for the pure truth, in all other literature, the wheat grows with the tares (Matt 13:24-43). It would be utterly un-Christlike to cast it all into the fire without first harvesting what is profitable for the soul. The film is a praise of godly wisdom in all the soil that He has sown in, encouraging Christians to reap "that good part" (Lk 10:42) wherever it grows.

More so, a recognition of how God has planted "seeds" of His wisdom in other traditions gives believers an excellent opportunity to build bridges for non-believers to cross. New converts increase the Kingdom, glorify God, and become our allies in the Lord's Army: fellow soldiers in the war "against the rulers of the darkness of this world" (Eph 6:12). Indeed, the Spiritual Battle is easier with each other, for "though one may be overpowered, two can resist. Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecc 4:12).

Wisdom brings the eternal view into focus. It sets the demons beneath our feet, and the Kingdom of God before our eyes. It allies us with the saints, and unites us to His victory. What is wisdom but the "whole armor of God," allowing warriors "to withstand in the evil day" (Eph 6:12)? For we are taught in the Proverbs, "Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who have left the straight path to walk in dark ways.” And “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.” (Pr 2:6-13). Therefore, cultivate wisdom, and claim your victory in the Spiritual Battle!


Justin Martyr
Felix Gonzales-Torres
Edward Slingerland
Rabbi A.J. Rosenberg
Alfred Rahlfs
Fr. Jack Norman Sparks
Lancelot Andrewes
The Masoretes
Ceolfrith of Monkwearmouth-Jarrow
Jerome of Stridon
Lancelot C.L. Brenton
J. I. Packer
Paul R. House
The Berean Bible Translation Committee
W.R.M. Lamb
Agnieszka Solska
Stephen Mitchell
Gia-Fu Feng
J.H. McDonald
Lao Tzu
Jesus Ben Sirach
Jesus of Nazareth, the Wisdom of God
and others...

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Music / Sound Sources

N/A—the film is silent and should be watched in silence.

Transcript / Lyrics

Transcript N/A—no words are spoken nor sung.

Translations—"Vanité des vanités, tout est vanité" may be translated from French into English as "Vanity of vanity, all is vanity"; and "Qohélet" as "Ecclesiastes".

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