Artist bio

My name is Hansel Espinosa Santana, I was born in Dominican Republic, I am 31 Years old. I want to be a Cinematografer, I love the cinema. I am Christian since 2005, and I would love to produce movies of all genders.






Artist Statement

This film is based in the spiritual battle that every Christian have, each of one in a different way, Ephesians 6:10-20. The film is about Carlos, a man who used to be trapped in addiction, alcohol, having parties, etc. He usually tries to scape and being different but can not until Jesus came and saved him. The firsts months being a Christian, Carlos had to battle against the enemy, what was very difficult, he tries not to return to the drugs and alcohol, he almost gave up, but God came to change his life in the middle of a powerful time of bible studies and pray with his grandma. This film represents that every day, Christians need to understand who are they facing for real and how the armor of God is Crucial to achieve the victory.

How it fits into contest

This film represents the true about the day life of a Christian. The devil is always close and seek to devour us. He tries to capture people, using the things in what we are week. In those moments, Christians need to understand, that they need the armor of God to resist the temptation, and to attack when is necessary. This armor is possible to get only directly from God, when we dedicate time to have a personal relationship by praying and reading the Bible.


First of all to GOD.
-Bryan Geraldo
-Bryan Geraldo
-Sujhaila Mojica
-Idaliana de Espinosa
-Ana Mojica

Artist Musics and sounds Sources:
-Premium Beat by shutterstock
-Rocketstock by shutterstock
-Señor B

How to Purchase this Artwork

It would be very helpful if you give me an offering (any amount you want), then I will create more Projects like this to glorify God in people Life’s around the world.

Music / Sound Sources

-Hypnotic (Dark Hard Underground Techno Music) [ORIGINAL THEME]. NoCopyright
-80+ FREE Cinematic Atmospheres: Musical Textures and Sound Files. By premiun. NoCopyright
-Generic Suspense by Dumdude. NoCopyright
-Epic Battle Music by DragonStarDT . NoCopyright
-FREE Cinematic Atmospheres Musical Textures and Sound Files by PremiumBeat Shutterstock. NoCopyright
-Free Epic Sound Effects for Film & Video Trailers by PremiumBeat Shutterstock. NoCopyright

Transcript / Lyrics

Voice over (Carlos Principal Actor)
Timeline (0:36-2:00)

-Cautivo en un lugar de tinieblas, rodeado de oscuridad, pero Dios me encontró.
Captive in a dark place, surrounded by darkness, but God found me.

-Aunque no entendí en ese momento por qué fue imposible para mi salir por mi propia cuenta...
Although I didn't understand at the time why it was impossible for me to get out on my own.

-Estaba más confuso por no entender el rechazo de la sociedad cuando buscaba recuperar mi vida.
I was more confused by not understanding the rejection of society when I was looking to get my life back.

-Intente buscar trabajo, pero las respuestas de las entrevistas, eran basadas en mi pasado.
I tried to look for a job, but the interview answers were based on my past.

-En la calle solo veía desprecio, mis familiares aun no confiaban en mí, me sentía aislado aun siendo cristiano.
In the street I only saw contempt, my relatives still didn't trust me, I felt isolated even though I was a Christian.

-Solo contaba con mi abuela… quien me instruía en la palabra y cada día insistía en que fuera a su iglesia.
I only had my grandmother... who instructed me in the word and insisted that I go to her church every day.

-Pero ya estaba cansado y no sabía contra quien peleaba realmente.
But he was already tired and he didn't know who he was really fighting against.

-Ahí fue mi peor momento… a punto de rendirme…justo cuando no podía más … Al borde del precipicio de un precipicio... cuando todos me dieron la espalda…me miraban con desprecio…sin darme cuenta estaba arrinconado… estaba en el límite… Dios Intervino.
That was my worst moment… on the verge of giving up… just when I couldn't take it anymore… when everyone turned their back on me… they looked at me with contempt… without realizing it I was cornered… I was at the limit… God intervened.

Praying (Grandmother)
Timeline (2:00-2:31)

-Señor tu sabes que no tenemos guerra contra carne ni sangre padre de la gloria
Lord you know we have no war against flesh and blood father of glory.

-Sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra gobernantes, contra huestes espirituales señor
But against principalities, against powers, against rulers, against spiritual hosts sir.

-Cúbrenos con la coraza de justicia, con el calzado con el escudo de la fe, con el yelmo de la salvación señor
Cover us with the breastplate of justice, with the shoes with the shield of faith, with the helmet of salvation Lord.

-Con la espada del Espíritu y cubre a tus hijos con el poder y tu armadura de Dios
With the sword of the Spirit and cover your children with the power and your armor of God

-En el nombre de Jesús amen.
In the name of Jesus, amen.

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