The Word of God, the Presence (actually, Omnipresence) of God is clearly visible...very visible to open eyes, hearts and minds. Lifelines (a Gospel-based editorial 'cartoon' -- a 'Spiritorial') is part of my personal arsenal – and needs to be shared.
Led by the Holy Spirit, I am visually equipped to recognize and defeat you-know-who with these additions to St. Paul’s ‘armor of God.’ ‘LifeLines’ ‘genesis’ (pardon the biblical pun) began eleven years ago in a familiar fast-food restaurant. Sitting under an over-sized ‘Have it Your Way’ sign, I realized: “No! Wait! I ought to “have it” HIS way’ – not my way.
I know now that awareness may be ‘half the battle’ (if not more…)
I hear, and see, the presence (actually, omnipresence) of God in (and through) contemporary media / advertising / culture. Originally, and currently, the fight had been, and still is, being fought primarily on the Respect Life front (cf. ‘God’s Fingerprint’ example). Yet, the Holy Spirit provides ammunition/awareness on the several contemporary culture fronts of television, media, and American culture and values.
And the weapons of LifeLines are reinforced by both Scripture and Church.
Greg, look around you:
Look around you and see what is happening…You will see this and be filled with joy…
Isaiah 60:4-5
Lifelines is ammunition. It is “helmet”, “shield”, and “keeps me alert”…
It is awareness and recognition…a first line of defense, an alarm – the fruit of scriptural awareness and prayer
“I didn’t know” is neither consoling nor effective in this battle for souls against a formidable opponent.
Lifelines is intended as a series. What binds them all together is the Omnipresence of God...lovingly present (believe it or not) in the news, media, and even advertising. And that realization is ammunition (when we realize it) against you-know-whom (thank you, St. Paul!)
The Holy Spirit
Curious? Interested in submitting artwork to our contest? Know someone who might be? Through April 14th, 2022, the Engage Art Contest is open to the whole world! Get your foot in the door by claiming your Artist Page now!