Artist bio

Minas is a self taught artist from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is a political science and international relations graduate turned artist. After graduating from Addis Ababa university he worked for 3 years in different companies before finding his path in art and develop his own style, after a great deal of soul searching. His style ranges from figurative to semi abstract to comic. His main medium of work is paper mosaic although he has parallel success from his comic and digital art works as well.


Victorious by the grace of God


Digital Art

Artist Statement

A spiritual infant (us human beings) just won a spiritual battle against a greater foe (evil of this world) not because our capabilities, but by the grace of God up on us. and we proceeded to crawl towards God and away from evil.

How it fits into contest

My art work metaphorically depicts a spiritual battle between us humans and the evil that lurks in this world.
I used an infant to represent all of us humans in order to show our weakness and incapabilities as humans. But when we equipped with the full armor of God, all is possible despite our infant like short commings and we would have the ability to face against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


My inspiration to create this art work arose from my curiosity to find and understand God.

How to Purchase this Artwork

Anyone who want to purchase my art work cand contact me via my email or social media accounts mentioned below:
Facebook: Minas Sanim Art

Submit Your Artwork Today!

Curious? Interested in submitting artwork to our contest? Know someone who might be? Through April 14th, 2022, the Engage Art Contest is open to the whole world! Get your foot in the door by claiming your Artist Page now!