I came upon the subjects of this painting one day, spotting the out of place spiraled petals from afar. Once I saw the spider webs entangled in the petals, I instantly knew that I would be painting this image. I painted this scene plein air, as far as, at a local art show, demoing my love of artistic detail. I paint in layers, enjoying the process of creating shapes, colors, and space, rather than solely the subjects themselves. I created the frame from rescued live edge slab wood, which I fit together, much like a jigsaw puzzle, creating a natural raw material that I personally transformed to compliment my art.
As a member of Artists for Conservation, I donate a portion of my art sales to wildlife conservation. I believe in raising awareness to the plight of specific species in need, as well as the dwindling biodiversity in general and hope to contribute to creating a better future for both.
In “unseen forces”, I painted a micro battle ensuing in this square foot of forest, while the oblivious world goes by. The aster is being pulled by a spiderweb, causing its petal growth to twist and change, into something quite different and uncommon. Literally, the web has pulled the flower petals to the right, causing some of them to spiral in growth - something so unexpected and exquisite in nature.
I see the battle of good against evil in much the same way. Evil will come, stay, and go through much of your life. At times, it will try to manipulate and change who you are, torment and hurt you. But, if you are strong, you will learn from it and become someone better, stronger, and more beautiful from these experiences. You will become like this aster - someone who shines, and spirals with joy and confidence in your ability to hold fast in your beliefs.
Katie Roberts as the artist, who took the reference photo in Vermont, designed and painted the art, as well as designed and crafted the frame.
Original Work, $500
Purchase through contacting artist directly:
Katie Roberts
Oil paintings and commissions
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