This footage is a dawning of Samaná's Bay in the Dominican Republic. The city that my family and I just moved a couple of weeks ago before the pandemic strikes. I was planning to do another kind of video performance of the spoken word, but everything got close, and I got stuck knowing nobody in a new city. One day, I was thinking about the struggles of life and that some things come without warning, and we can not control it. Then I decided to do a time-lapse of the sun rising. As you see in the video, I tried to record the sun rising, but as happens here in the Caribbean, the day less expected rains. That day I was expecting a sunny day that just seems to raise, but some gray and raining clouds darkened it. Even though the video was worthy to represent the battles sometimes we face.
As Ephesians 5:12 (AMP) says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents]" I recognize that there's a real battle that we can not see, that's why I decided to record a time-lapse of dawn. And as I said up there in the -Performance Video Description- that day I was expecting a caribbean and sunny day but as well there are attacks from the enemy that we will face the day less expected that's why we need to be armored every day. With this, I want to represent that if in the real and invisible battle that we face we get the victory the credit is going to be just for the one and only that deserve all the glory and that's God, who cares and protects us; our work is to remain in HIM.
Obed Capois - Writer & Producer
Emmanuel Frias - Music Producer
Altagracia Cubilette, Keyla Alvaréz - Associate Producer
Obed Capois - Voice off
Obed Capois - Video editor
La Clave (Original Spanish Version)
Me pongo de pie y decido caminar. Doy unos cuantos pasos y empiezo a debilitar. Es que es una batalla constante día tras día sin parar porque el enemigo acecha y tira a matar.
¿Pero cómo será? ¿Cómo lo puedo hacer? Sé que hay una clave para yo permanecer, porque aunque las fuerzas que me atacan no las puedo ver, me mantendré firme por su gran poder.
Vienen flechas de incredulidad flameando a todo dar, pero la fe es el escudo que podrán apagar, y aunque no lo vea, creeré bien aguerrido porque sin fe es imposible agradar a aquel que ya ha vencido.
Mantendré mi posición revestido de verdad aunque la mentira es la nueva moralidad. La verdad es relativa, dicen ellos para actuar, ignorando que sus acciones aquel día, la VERDAD va a juzgar. Así que guardaré mi corazón con la coraza de la justicia, pero la de Dios, la que es sana y sin malicia.
Este camino es de guerra y de mucho sacrilegio, pero me calzaré con la paz que es anunciar el evangelio.
Protegeré mis pensamientos de las mentiras, insisto; usando como casco la salvación que me dio a Cristo.
La palabra es la espada del Espíritu, filosa y bien cortante y aunque vengan contra mí, no hay diablo que la aguante. Ante su palabra, tiembla la tierra y se derriten los collados, por eso no temeré a espíritus derribados.
Gracias Sabaoth por proveerme tu armadura me la pondré cada día de eso no queda duda; orando en el Espíritu en cada momento, mantenerme en oración es parte del armamento. Jesucristo prometió que nunca me dejaría, así que en ÉL esperaré porque su fuerza es la que me guía.
The Key (English Version)
I stand up and decide to walk. I take a few steps and start to weaken. It’s cause a constant battle day after day steadily because the enemy stalks and shoots to kill.
But how will it be? How can I do it? I know that there is a key to me for remaining, even though the forces that attack me I cannot see, I will stay firm for His great power.
Arrows of disbelief come flaming at full throttle but faith is the shield that can douse them, and even if I don't see it I will believe very hardened because without faith it is impossible to please the one who has already triumph.
I will keep my position covered with the truth even though the lie is the new way of morality. The truth is relative they say to act, ignoring that their actions that day, the TRUTH will judge. So I will keep my heart with the breastplate of justice, but God's which is sane and without malice.
This road is of war and such sacrilege but in my feet I will put on the peace that is to proclaim the gospel.
I will protect my thoughts from lies, I insist; using as helmet the salvation that gave me Christ.
The word is the sword of the Spirit, sharp, very cutting and even if they come against me there is no devil to endure it. At his word the earth trembles and the hills melt, so I will not fear defeated spirits.
Thank you Sabaoth for providing me your armor, I will wear it every day of that there is no doubt; praying in the Spirit at each time, remain in prayer is part of the armour. Jesus Christ promised that he would never leave me, so in HIM I will wait because his strength is what guides me.
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