Ephesians, in my opinion, teaches us how faith in God is the answer in this seemingly broken world. These last few years have been rough on all of us, but if we stay strong in the LORD (6-10) and put on the full armor of God (6-11), we can overcome these troubles. We have no reason to fear the unknown. Trust in the LORD allows us to stand our ground (6-13). I know my drawing is "basic" compared to the BEAUTIFUL arts you've all shared, but I still wanted to share my view on the chapter of Ephesians. Tho the armor of God isn't exactly "visual", this is how I stand in His presence: Proud and Without Fear.
🙂 God Bless
My drawing is related to the verses of Ephesians 6:10-20. Though metaphorical, I drew how I perceive the full armor of God to be. I love how verse 6-12 reminds us that our true battle is "against this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil". In wearing the armor of the LORD, we can stand firm (6-14), as my young believer is in her drawing. For those who in distress, we, whom are in the LORD's armor, must pray in spirit , and keep on praying for all the LORD's people (6-18). Hope you like the sketch and the message it holds.
My mother, who always supports me and keeps me on the right track as a growing Christian.
My boyfriend, who holds Bible studies with me on his time off from school.
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