“Rise: The Army Anthem” is an original solo acapella music video production depicting several elements of the spiritual battle as recorded in Ephesians 6:10-20. The song is both filled with Scriptural references and portrays real-life applications of this battle using examples common in modern society. Both the video and the song lyrics portray two parallel real-to-life experiences of the spiritual battle faced by both a non-Christian and Christians, highlighting both internal and external elements of the struggle. The video not only traces the struggles of each character, but the “rise” of victory that each experience through the Power of Jesus and His Word.
Scriptural references form the core of the song’s message following the account of both characters’ struggles. The transition to the chorus uses quotes and paraphrases from Ephesians 6:11, where it references that “we don’t wrestle flesh and blood but dark powers, cosmic principalities”. The chorus references Ephesians 6:10: “Stand strong in the Power of God’s Might”, “Armour on, we must fight the good fight” (paraphrase of Ephesians 6:11), and encourages that we “at all times carry faith as a shield” (Ephesians 6:16). Footage of prayer and reading of the Word are also portrayed in the video. The armours of Salvation, God’s truth and righteousness are also referenced in the bridge of the song, while boldness of speech as an ambassador for Christ is an attribute of the second character in the song. In addition to the Ephesians Scripture, other Biblical cross-references are made within the song, including, being “hard-pressed…but we will win if on God’s side we persevere” (2 Corinthians 4:8-11), “to temptation we should never yield”. Of utmost importance, the chorus also brings to focus the Gospel message, that “Jesus died so we all could be free…rest assured He already won the victory” (1 Corinthians 16).
The delivery of the vocals the choice of melody and video effects were also aimed at reflecting another layer of the message by evoking the aura of the spiritual battle. The acapella rendition of the song reflects the emphasis on the core of the storyline, allowing for clear hearing of the words of the song, and may be thought of embodying the ‘back to basics’ message that each character went through. Both stanzas which recounted the time of gloom and discouragement were sung in a softer tone and slower tempo than all other parts of the song. Greyscale was featured in parts of these stanzas, also in an attempt to reflect this mode. The transition to the chorus was sung with a marching upbeat tempo, reflecting the realization of the spiritual battle, while the chorus was sung at the highest volume. These victorious moments were all featured in colour. The song ends with the sound of a shofar blending in with the words “I will rise”. The feature of the shofar is symbolic of the traditional Jewish instrument call to war and Holy days in the Bible.
As a reflection of the transcendent reality of the spiritual battle – affecting all, regardless of race, language or disability, efforts were made to integrate some of the core messages in Spanish and sign language, with the potential to reach a wider audience. It is hoped that this musical piece will be an encouragement to believers to persevere in God, and also motivate non-believers to experience the deliverance and victory in being in God’s army.
Artiste: Sarah Buckland
Song writer and Composer: Sarah Buckland
Videography: Sarah, Fay and Joseph Buckland
Globe motion video attributed under the Creative Commons Licence from Pixabay.com
Stanza one
Broken Soul
Searching for a refuge in this cold, dark world.
Her story, untold:
Voices in her head, no telling what insults they have hurled.
Battling depression
Designated as a mental case;
But all the pills and therapy
Her pain could not erase.
She looks at her Bible
Sitting dusty through her tears;
Her momma’s words from long ago
Ring back into her ear:
Transition to chorus
There’s a spiritual battle that is raging far beyond what eyes can see
We don’t wrestle flesh and blood, but dark powers, cosmic principalities.
(I will rise!) Stand strong in the Power of God’s Might!
(I will rise!) Armour on! We must fight the Good Fight!
(I will rise!) At all times carry faith as a shield
(I will rise!) To temptations may we never ever yield.
(I will rise!) Hard-pressed, but God’s Word is very clear
(I will rise!) We will win if on God’s side we persevere!
(I will rise!) Jesus died so we all could be free.
(I will rise!) Rest assured, He already got the victory!
Stanza Two
Christian home
The father brings in his last paycheck
Just fired from his job for his faith.
“Repent, my friend, God loves you !”
Who would have thought that in this time
Would be considered as “hate”?
He braces himself to tell the news to his wife,
Just three months before, she was dismissed as she advocates for life,
He called the house together, and they cried while on their knees.
“We may be left with nothing,
But remember God is all we need.”
Transition to chorus
There’s a spiritual battle that is raging far beyond what eyes can see
We don’t wrestle flesh and blood, but dark powers, cosmic principalities.
(I will rise!) Stand strong in the Power of God’s Might!
(I will rise!) Armour on! We must fight the Good Fight!
(I will rise!) At all times carry faith as a shield
(I will rise!) To temptations may we never ever yield.
(I will rise!) Hard-pressed, but God’s Word is very clear
(I will rise!) We will win if on God’s side we persevere!
(I will rise!) Jesus died so we all could be free.
(I will rise!) Rest assured, He already got the victory!
Nothing quite can cover
Hold us all together
When we’re put to the test
Like salvation, God’s truth, and His righteousness! (x 2)
Chorus (modified)
(Me levantare’)
(Yo ganare’)
I will rise!
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