
Leah Voigt

Artist bio

North Dakota based animator, Leah Voigt, has been creating realistic animations since 2013. She has won numerous awards in innovation for Fortune 500 companies including Target and General Mills. Her work is inspired from her travels abroad and fondness for competition. Growing up playing every sport, she found competitions to be more than just a physical game. It is the mental part of sports that built her fondness for sports. She sees each game as a continual battle to conquer the doubts that the devil whispers in your ear.


Game of Salvation


Digital Art

Artist Statement

I created this piece with my confirmation students in mind. They learn material easier when it is metaphorically compared to their own personal interests. Here I compared the spiritual battle to the battle Tim Tebow faced publicly with his faith. He competes against an opponent, but his real competitor is the devil. This was apparent when the NFL tried to force him to no longer wear bible verses on his eye black. This was he devil fight him due to his extreme success at spreading the word of God. The one game Tim Tebow put John 3:16 on his eye black resulted in 92 million looking up the verse up on Google. Now imagine that times his hundreds of games. No wonder why the devil was angry.

How it fits into contest

Everyone is fighting the a spiritual battle as they go through life. The devil appears differently to each person as he tries to stop the good works of the Lord. From Tim Tebow to your neighbor down the street, we all have our unique battle and personal armor. Tim fought the NFL with his eye black.


Leah Voigt - Designer

How to Purchase this Artwork

This artwork can be purchased for $100. To purchase, please email

Other Goods & Services Available from this Artist

Visual art and video animation services available upon request.

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