
Andy Zhang

Artist bio

I am a Master of Fine Arts student at the University of Cincinnati who comes from China. I work primarily with oil painting. My art focuses on Biblical teaching and Christian views.


Contemplation of the Knight



Artist Statement

Contemplation of the Knight is a 16'' * 20'' oil painting on canvas. It depicts a knight sitting under a tree and contemplating. A snake on the tree is approaching him. Behind him are two dimensions of space- the future and the world. The knight represents us, Christians, who are warriors of God. When times of pain and sorrow come, we could not easily get up. Meanwhile, the enemy, Satan, never stops to tempt us and always tries to drift us away from God. The tree and the snake refer to the Temptation in Genesis 3. The knight's helmet and sword is on the ground, which makes him more vulnerable. The knight is contemplating his sorrow, but more than that, his mission. He knows that even though he is tempted to flee and sink, God loves him and wants him to stand up and keep walking. The middle right is the vision of the current world. Cities are burning; people are fleeing; a beast is prowling, which comes from the verse in 1 Peter 5:8, "Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour". Despite that, right above is the vision of the future for Christians. The beautiful sky and mountain refers to the new world that God has promised. I painted the tree and the top right space with loose brushstrokes and delightful colors, to express sense of peace and calm.

How it fits into contest

This artwork shows the vulnerability and temptation in a Christian life. The knight is confronted by Satan, just as we are tempted to sin. This is a spiritual battle which we need to fight by contemplating God's words and our new lives as Christians. The armor, sword and helmet come from Ephesians 11-17. Apart from depicting inner struggle, I wanted to express hope and encouragement, a message found in Ephesians 6:10-20. God wants Christians to stand strong. There are times of stumbling, but ultimately we will get up and rejoice over external salvation.

How to Purchase this Artwork

Price: $250
For purchase, please contact through phone or email. The item will be shipped to an address.

Other Goods & Services Available from this Artist

For commissioned painting, please contact through phone or email.

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