Artist bio

My name is Rosandy Esther Rodriguez Rojas, I was born on May 28, 2001 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. My second name is in honor of the Queen Esther. I was raised in a christian family. In school, I was always involved in artistics events since acting is my passion. I studied theatre, and I’m applying to a Film Academy in South Beach, Miami. My principal aspiration in life is to have a voice in this world to inspire people through the Word of God. I want to leave a mark and I want to contribute to make the world a better place. And above all I want to fulfill the purpose that God has given to me. Rosandy Esther Rodriguez Rojas


Be light



Artist Statement

The monologues were inspired in my real life since I’m living the same situation with my step mother.
I did all the characters because due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
At first I only wanted to illustrate my own spiritual battle, but then I decided to play the darkness as well to show why the evil is always attacking the good people.

How it fits into contest

The monologues were inspired in my real life since I’m living the same situation with my step mother.


Rosandy Esther Rodriguez Rojas
Actress and Writer

Transcript / Lyrics

Scene I:
Let me introduce myself. I'm the darkness. But don't get confused.
I'm much more than this pathetic human body. However, you need a face to see to understand the message. I'll be precise. Your God, you know “the Almighty” has given you free will, so you can do whatever you want. If you take the path of evil my people will not bother you.
But if you take the path of righteousness, you will be my enemy,
and my army will go for you.
(DISPROVAL sounds)
I see that you prefer the light.
Ok, so in this case be prepared for the battle.

Scene II:
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
Esther: Hi, God Bless you.
Elena: Hi, how you doing?
Esther: Are you ok?
Elena: Actually, not. I have a
terrible headache, sorry, and I couldn't sleep last night.
Esther: but, what happened?
Elena: I had a nightmare. My stepmother was there, she was in a backyard, holding a picture of myself. It looked like she was doing witchcraft.
I know it sounds crazy but, she has been trying to separate me from my father for years. She hates which I don't understand If I haven't done anything to her.
Esther: Elena, you have moral values, principles, and the Grace of God. That means that you are light, and the darkness doesn't tolerate people like you.
Elena: So, my stepmother wants to hurt me because I'm a good person?
Esther: Do you have your Bible close?
Elena: I have one on my cellphone.
Esther: Look for Ephesians character six verse twelve.
Elena: Uh... it says... For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Esther: Do you understand now?
Elena: I think so, and I believe in what the Bible says but, how can I fight in a battle that I can't even see?
Esther: Do you remember the story of the King David?
Elena: Yes. He defeated a giant without using an armor, right?
Esther: Actually, he had an invisible one. The same type of armor you need now. The Bible says that If you want to stand against the wiles of the devil you need to wear a Breastplate of Righteousness, a Helmet of Salvation, a Girdle of Truth, and as shoes the Gospel of Peace. And remember this, to face any spiritual battle you need to take the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Word of God.
Elena: Now... I understand that my battle is not physical, that I can't defeat with my human strength but praying, reading the scriptures, putting them into practice, and above all, having faith in the power of God.

Scene III:
Darkness scene II:
If you are good, kind, and loyal with
someone, that person should appreciate that? Right? But nowadays, things don't work like that. Actually, the better you are the more hated you will be.
Like the poor Jesus, the best man ever was crucified like the worst criminal.
(LAUGHS) This world prefers me.
But this world is passing.
And you are so weak that you have to runway when a few of light is close.
I was kidding, really
I didn’t mean
Jesus is stronger than me,
Is obvious, is Jesus.
I didn’t mean
Really I didn’t mean
I just… I was kidding.
Please don’t
Stay away


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