This is a single frame image with no edits. I use a form of long-exposer photography where I leave the eye of the camera open for an extended period of time. This allows me to paint with light, more importantly it allows me to write with light. It's a bit tricky, but I've found a few ways to create my own light sources which give me different effects, styles, and colors of light. In this image I use a tool that allows me to write in a calligraffiti style. In order to accomplish writting with light in a readable form I actually face the camera and write backwards.
Hallelujah is my favorite word, it means praise God. I've been down deep in some vallies, and yet I've also climbed some mountains. I see the importance of my struggles, and now as they arise so does my voice with a humble hallelujah. I know it hurts do be down in dirt, yet I know my strength comes when I remember that my God has a plan. A plan that is bigger than my current struggles, and a promise that those experiences are meant for good, meant to glorify God for an unending love, freely given grace, and a multitude of mercy. When I'm above the city and watching the sun rise I say hallelujah, and when its dark I write it in the stars... Hallelujah.
Through my studies and building of a relationship with God the word hallelujah and it's meaning to praise God has empowered me time and time again. In the sense of spiritual warfare it is my end-game move. Praise God and watch your world change. He will arm, and fight for you.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Caleb Thomas - photography, light-writing.
Digital copies and prints available. Contact me @
Creative solutions
Instagram @ truEsku
Caleb Thomas
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